
Gollum's Cave (The Cave of Death)

  Introduction Gollum's Cave, or the Cave of Death as its known to some. The name itself was enough to pique my interest. As a huge fan of the Lord of the Rings, the name of this cave would be very hard to stay away from. If you aren't familiar with Gollum, you really need to sit down and watch the Lord of the Rings trilogy (yes, the extended versions, it's the only way to watch them), and educate yourself... or you could pick up the books (which are even better), but I find the movie to be a better gateway for those unfamiliar to Lord of the Rings, which should be no one. Several years ago my brother, some mutual friends, and I had received the coordinates to a secret cave hidden in the mountains of Provo, Utah. Early one drizzly spring morning we gathered the troops, and began the several hour hike to this undisclosed location. Eventually we found it! It was a blast exploring the cave. The hike had been intense. We found ourselves on the side of a mountain, maybe an hour